Escape Authority

The World's #1 Escape Game Social Hub!

Keys to Greatness: Our Rating System

At Escape Authority, we rate all escape rooms relatively to one another, using our “Keys to Greatness” star-based system.

What this means is that while you will see many less than 5 Key reviews, as a result you’ll also see more honest assessments of overall quality.  We understand that every venue would prefer to receive 5 Keys every time – but we also recognize it is very important to our readers to be as fair and as honest as possible. Who hasn’t read an overly glowing Yelp review only to arrive and wonder if the author was talking about the same venue? At Escape Authority, our goal is that the review you read is indicative of the quality of experience you yourself are likely to receive on your visit.



It’s important to recognize that scoring any less than 5 Keys does not by any means imply a game isn’t fun! There’s lots of good games out there! There’s a bunch of great games out there – but there’s only a handful of “the best of the best.”


We’d like to take a moment to explain how our Keys to Greatness rating system works:


EA Key Rating 5

5 Keys:  A Game among the best of the best!



EA Key Rating 4

4 Keys: A Truly great game!



EA Key Rating 3

3 Keys: A good game



EA Key Rating 2

2 Keys: An Average game



EA Key Rating 1

1 Key: A Bad game


EA Key Rating 0

0 Keys: The worst of games



Each game’s Key Rating  takes into account the quality of game play, how intuitive the puzzle flow is, how original each puzzle is, the quality of story, the level of scenic and the cleverness of effects throughout the experience, while comparing it relatively to all of the other games we’ve played before it. Key Ratings are also reassessed from time to time, because simply put – with the more games you see, the more you recognize this industry is constantly growing and changing; we firmly believe the only way to remain current is to grow with it. This ensures that a review from Escape Authority is both an accurate and reliable reference to choose your next escape adventure!



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